Mom in Japan

Mom in Japan  ママが日本にやってきた!   
By David  

My mom came to Japan last month and she had a great time. The day before she came, she lost her passport in Los Angeles, so she almost didn’t make it. Luckily, she found it the next day. In her bag!


I was really worried about what she would eat, where she would sleep and what she would do, but she didn’t have any real big problems. We went to Costco a few days before she came and bought some bagels, muffins, pizza and a giant bag of corn chips so she could eat a little American food if she wanted.

At night, she slept on a futon. She said she really liked it. She was upstairs in our tatami room on a futon, so in this regard she had a little bit of Japanese style living. I thought not having a real bed would be an issue, but it wasn’t at all.


Foodwise, we ate a mix of American and Japanese. One day we took her to Hamakatsu and she ate chicken, miso soup and a bowl of rice. She even used chopsticks to eat the rice.

Her goal was to see all of us, especially my daughter and our baby, who she met for the first time. So even though we didn’t visit any famous Japanese landmarks, I think she still had a great time.

