Aaron’s recipe

Today I thought I would share with you a recipe called Jambalaya which comes from the Mississippi Delta area of the southern United States. The city of New Orleans is famous for this Cajun cuisine, which has French, Spanish, and African influences. It’s actually very similar to the Spanish dish, Paella. There is a large population of people who are descendants of French settlers, who are now referred to as Cajuns. My father’s family actually comes from this area, so I thought this would be unique to share with you. This dish is intended to be very spicy, but if you don’t like hot food, just don’t add red pepper. I grew up in Texas not far from this area, where spicy food is a way of life. There are many ways to make this dish. The easiest way is to use pre-made rice. Another way is to cook the rice as the last step in a cast iron Dutch over or very large rice cooker. I think the easy way is just fine. This recipe can have as little or as much meat as you like.
お米から炊く方法は一番最後にcast iron Dutchという大きな鉄製の鍋か大きな炊飯器を使って炊き込む方法なので、簡単な作り方で充分だと思います。

Cajun Seasoning Mix (1 tbsp Cayenne or Red Pepper, 1 tsp Salt, 1/4 tsp Thyme, 1/2 tsp Sage, 1/4 tsp Dried Basil, 1 tsp Black Pepper)
1 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
1 Cup Diced Andouille (any type of good Sausage)
1 Diced Onion
1 Cup Diced Bell Pepper
1 Cup Diced Celery
1 Can Diced Tomatoes
About 4-5 cups cooked rice (just enough to almost soak up all of the liquid)
3 Cups Chicken Stock (or two cubes of bouillon) with a Shrimp shell infusion (see below)
(シナモンかレッドペッパー  大さじ1     
 塩 小さじ1 香味料タイム小さじ1/4 セイジ 小さじ1/2 バジル小さじ1/4
※無塩バター  大さじ1
※アマ唐辛子 1カップ
※セロリとトマト さいの目で1カップ
※ご飯(水気は吸い取ってください)   4〜5カップ
※鶏がらスープ  3カップまたは(固形スープ2個)殻つきエビも入れます(下記参照)

1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce (or Oyster Sauce) 2 Tbsp Minced Garlic
1 1/2 Cups or 1 Breast of Diced Chicken (for tender chicken, marinate the chicken in salt water and a little Cajun seasoning in the fridge for a few hours, then rinse before using)
1 1/2 Cup Shrimp
1 Tbsp Parsley 1 Cup Sliced Okra (optional) Garnish with Finely Sliced Green Onions to put on top
みじん切りにしたガーリック  大さじ2
鳥の胸肉 1と1/2カップか1カップ
※エビ  1と1/2カップ
※パセリ  大さじ1
※スライスしたオクラ 1カップ

Directions: Prepare the Broth. De-shell the Shrimp and add the shells to about 3 cups of boiling water and cook for 15mins. Then strain the shells out of the water and add two cubes of Chicken Bouillon. Set aside. Melt the Butter over medium heat and mix together the Onion, Celery, and Bell Pepper. Then add the Sausage and cook while stirring until the onions turn slightly brown. Now add in the Broth, Tomatoes, Chicken, Garlic, Worcestershire and Seasoning. Let the Chicken cook. After that, start adding the Rice a little at a time stirring it into the soup. Blend in enough Rice to not quite soak up all of the liquid. Then add in the Shrimp and Okra and stir occasionally so the Rice doesn’t stick. After the Shrimp and Okra have cooked, it’s time to eat. Sprinkle some Green Onion over the top.