


By David

A few Christmases ago, we decided to get a pet. We couldn't get a dog or a cat so we decided to get guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are called "morumoto" in Japanese. They are furry and cute and even though they can't do tricks like a dog, each of them have their own personality.
何年か前のクリスマスの日にペットを飼うことを決めました。犬や猫はだめなのでモルモット(英語でguinea pigs)モルモットは毛がフアフアでかわいい限りです。犬のように芸をすることはないのですがそれぞれ個性があります。
One of our pigs is white, so we call her Sugar. The other is brown, so we call her Brownie. Sugar is the boss. If I put some lettuce or celery in the pig cage, she'll get the best piece and leave Brownie with the scraps. Also, when I clean their cage I take them out and let them run around in the genkan. Brownie doesn't mind when I hold her. She is very agreeable and calm. But Sugar screams even though I've picked her up hundreds of times.
