Race Across Georgia


by David

On September 3rd my little brother is going to race his bicycle across the state of Georgia. He thinks it will take about three days, maybe four or five. The course record is two days and 7 hours. The race is mainly in the mountains on mountain trails. It’s very hilly and difficult. I just want him to finish safely. He’s thinking about breaking the record.

There are some hotels along the way, but my brother is carrying a small tent and will probably sleep under the stars in the woods. He plans on riding his bike all day, then riding some more at night with lights on his bike, then stopping only when he is too tired to ride any more.

Can you imagine him racing in the middle of the night in the mountains all alone? He’ll stop, eat something, lay down in his sleeping bag on the ground, then wake up the next morning and ride again.

There will only be about 30 riders in the race. Each racer has a small GPS device so the race organizers know exactly where the racers are. It also helps the racers stay on course.

The race will be over by the time you read this so ask me how he did. Hopefully he finished with a good time.

