Mom is Coming! 「ママが日本にやってくる」 by David

Mom called the other day and said she would be coming to Japan for a visit. She hasn’t seen the baby yet. I didn’t believe her at first, but then she said she really was going to make the trip. I was excited, but then I got a little worried. What would she eat? She doesn’t eat Japanese food. Where will she sit? There are no sofas in my Japanese house. Where will she sleep? There are no beds in my Japanese house.

What to do?

I decided it will be a cultural experience and she’ll have to bend a little to the Japanese ways, but I’ll also try to make her as comfortable as possible.
I think she’ll be fine on a futon, so that’s ok. But she can’t eat rice every day, and certainly won’t be eating natto. So I’ll have to order some food from FBC in Kyoto. This also might be a good time to get a new sofa for my living room.
布団は大丈夫だと思います。けれど、毎日お米は食べられないでしょう。ましてや納豆などは無理です。それで京都のFBC (外国のスーパーから食品、生活用品などの輸入サービス)に食べ物を注文しなければならないでしょう。これは、うちのリビングルームに新しいソファーを買う良い機会にもなりそうです。

I am probably worrying too much. She isn’t really coming to see me or Japan. She’s coming to see the baby!
血液型がA型の彼はいつも自分を『type A』 の心配性と言います。みなさんは、どう思いますか?