So how’s your new job?


I'm getting this question a lot lately from my friends and family. My answer is, "It's great!"

I've been working at Will for about 7 weeks now and I'm finally settled in. It's always hard starting a new job; there's the different schedule, new people, different environment, and of course getting comfortable with being the new guy. I have to say, everyone has been very nice and welcoming to me. Eiko, Hiroko, Noriko and David have all done everything they can to help me feel at home and I have to thank them for that!

Thanks also to the students and parents for your warm welcome and the enthusiasm you bring to every class. I really enjoy teaching here (I'm loving the kindy kids with their energy and cute smiles!)

It's not easy to learn a new language (just ask about my Japanese) so I understand how hard can be. Stay motivated and remember - every great journey begins with a single step!